Meet the Editor: Dawn
Dove (Narragansett)
Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012, 1-2 pm
We have a new program in our popular series featuring local
Native writers. This session is a little different –we get to meet an editor! Dawn
Dove, Narragansett elder, is coming to the library to talk about Through Our Eyes, An Indigenous View of
Mashapaug Pond, a book she co-edited with Holly Ewald, founder of Urban
Pond Procession. This beautiful book is the product of a year-long project to
help people imagine what life would have been like for indigenous people living
by Mashapaug Pond, in Providence, RI, before European contact. Narragansett
community members ages 6 to 92 created collages about Mashapaug using
photography, stamping, natural items, and hand-printed papers. The stories and
poems illuminate their history, culture, and artistic expression. As an added
bonus, Loren Spears (Narragansett), Tomaquag Indian Memorial Museum director
and educator, speaks about the significance of connecting art and culture to
science and environmental curriculum. Please call the Research Library at (860)
396-6897 for more information.