Poet and Professor of English Ron Welburn (Gingaskin & Assateague/Cherokee/African American) led a thoughtful and engaging discussion of Sherman Alexie's novel The Absolutely True Story of a Part-Time Indian recently in the Research Library reading room.

For our next reading circle, which will be held on Saturday January 15, we will be discussing When Beaver Was Very Great, a collection of traditional stories and recent writings by Ojibwe elder storyteller Anne M. Dunn. The short pieces range from traditional stories to nature writing to contemporary stories of peace, justice, and environmental concerns. Trudie Lamb Richmond (Schaghticoke), storyteller and accomplished educator, will lead participants in a discussion on the telling of stories using Anne Dunn’s pieces as a guide. Participants may borrow copies of the book from the Research Library or purchase one in the Museum gift shop. Limited to 20 participants, ages 16 and older. Call (860) 396-6897 by Jan. 7 to register. Free. Snow date is Jan. 22.